Van der Valk Shipyard




Stunning footage of EDGE 65 in Bahamas

Launch of MY ONE

The construction of Project 111.11 – Episode #2

The construction of Project Samba – Episode #1


FLCN Magazine #2

We are delighted to present the second issue of our Van der Valk magazine! Building on the success of our first issue, this is a truly bumper edition, offering 124 pages worth of yachting content, thought-provoking columns, fascinating profiles, travel inspiration, gourmet food and culture recommendations – and much more.

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FLCN Magazine #1

It is our pleasure to share with you the very first issue of Van der Valk magazine. A chance to reflect on how our yard is growing in size and stature, and to examine in more detail our unique custom offering in the 20 to 45-metre range. Join us for an in-depth-look at some of the latest launches and exciting new builds.

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